Monday, June 21, 2010

Tool 3

Using Wordle and glogster I created a word cloud and a poster for two of the comprehension stragegies: Visualizing and Inferring. I would use this programs to make posters for my "visual learners".
Also I can see the students creating mini stories, uploading photographs, putting words in pictures, creating word clouds and making their own mini stories.


    I am blogging!! It is exhilirating...hehehe!!! jk! Actually it is lots of fun to keep in touch this way and receive feedback from peers! I really enjoyed your word cloud for visualizing and inferring...well done and extremely motivatiing for children!! iluv it! :) hehehe

  2. Nancy,
    Since you are such a super teacher I am going to be one of your followers. I also liked your word cloud as a tool for motivating children and reminding them what is inferring. This is such a hard concept for our children. A poster like this would be excellent!
    Love your design for the blog!
